Tuesday 4 September 2012

Well I didn't think today was ever going to come. Its my last day at The Big Geen Bag... thank bloomin' goodness. I worked here yesterday and then was straight to the pub, no stopping for food, I'm so tired today, but I have a few good things to look forward to now and Minnie and me are still planning our great escape, she should be tunnelling in the basement at home as I type this. I don't know, it just seems like I'm quite on my own at the moment. Everyone is too busy to notice that I might not be feeling that good. I got my appointment through for the neurologist and thats upset me because it isn't until the 15th October. I imagine I will be going on my own because that's the easiest way to deal with things. The people I have around me tend to be more practical and matter of fact about things but I am more emotional so I don't manage to hide my fear so well. I suppose it's a good thing that my support network are like that but I kind of just want someone to talk to that will get upset about me not being very well, strange I know but it's almost like I need to see a visual representation of how I'm actually feeling about the situation.

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