Wednesday 4 January 2012

i cant sleep!

I'm lying here thinking about my interview today. The job would be such an amazing opportunity but would I be taking on too much with my business too. I wouldn't want either to suffer plus on top of that there will be wedding plans and such like to deal with. Sometimes there are just too many things to think about and not enough hours in the day to think about them thoroughly and thoughtfully. That is why the night is there though, to ponder the things you don't have time to daydream about. This time last year I wasn't happy, now I am, its funny how such a simple statement can bring so much relief. I talked about metal zips for 5 minutes in my interview... Is that too long? I have sourced some amazing pieces for a client of mine and hope that she loves them as much as I do, one is a crepe gown with really intricate beading in a very rare midnight blue, the other a long heavy duchess satin dressing gown with cream lace embroidery along the seams. I have dated them both at 1930's to 1940's but want to get a second opinion before showing them. I have got in touch with my very good friend and she is going to examine the photo's I've taken...
If any of my Chesterfield friends are reading this tonight could you let me know any reviews of The Old Vicarage as a possible venue... Cheers darlings xx

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