Thursday 12 January 2012


Have had a really productive day today, made some good contacts stock wise, did some research in 1920's and then bought some beautiful glassware. Me and Monkey went to have a look round some of the larger charity shops in chesterfield and have a furniture and homeware plan for the new house! Going back next week to pick up the art deco style pieces we found... Then the sewing machine Jon bought me can be dusted off and put to good use, rather than just hemming I can actually make something useful for our lovely home. For all those who are concerned that I will destroy the lovely furniture by ruining its original beauty by slapping some pink paint on it, do not fear! Part of the restoration process is allowing a piece to maintain its dignity and be representative of the era or style the piece originates from. I have my first styling appointment on Saturday, I'm nervous and excited xx

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