Tuesday 10 July 2012


Sorry for being so unbloggy! We get the keys for our new house on Sunday and apparently this is meant to spur me into packing. Actually I have no intention of doing any packing. Instead I will firmly place myself in the integral role of Director of Operations. Surrogate teenage child (STC) and her boyfriend (STCBF) have decided to adopt the minimal approach to packing and either throw all STC's worldly belongings away, sell them or put them on the landing in the perfect spot for causing a fall down the stairs. As Director of Operations I attempted to explain that the main reasons for moving included more space, negating the necessity to minimalise! Other reasons include the fact I've got black hair dye on everything and moving house is the only way anyone is going to get me to sort out all my vintage stock. I delay this terrifying task mainly because everything is in the cupboard under the stairs, a dark dark place. An unforgiving treasure trove of madness! The surge of space at the new house is meant to rejuvenate and give me an open workroom and office fo all my future projects. The Vinatge Tea Party is back with an almighty autumnal bang but also working on some exciting plans I had long forgotten but now feel inspired to continue. Uncovering an unlikely inspiration yesterday gave me plan for the perfect Christmas gift for my quaint english living friends, gone are the shackles of the evil, overpriced and often easily replicated Kidston! We are reclaiming old and dusty as our own. Enough of all that for now....

So in charge of the physical act of packing is BF, a stalwart in my life and the person who keeps me grounded. Of course when faced with the task of packing his immediate reaction has been fear of what should happen to my glass collection in the removal process, so this has now been made removal priority. I am concerned that he is looking forward to seeing it leave current house and is in fact hoping it somehow gets lost in transit between Shirland Street and Albion Road. AWKWARD! Well if that should happen then I will merely have to take my rage out on Bass Guitar, Double Bass and The Kittens!

Another key element of moving house is a discussion on the purchasing of a new bed, something that is taking a great deal of research as I want vintage french and BF wants goodness knows what!

For now I will continue my trawl of ebay...

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