Monday 23 July 2012

What in the earth possessed me to move house and change job at the same time... Crazy as a cuckoo! Then we realise we don't have a proper freezer.... This doesn't bother me but I have a 16 and 17 year old to feed and I never realised how handy it was to throw a load of easy to cook things into a freezer so they can help themselves when I'm not there or cooking something with the, apparently demonic, pesto in it! How is it possible to hate pesto, pesto is ace! I may try slipping pesto into every meal I make until they all get accustomed to it's wonderful ways!

I suffered another seizure yesterday, luckily BF was there but it was so surreal. I was unconscious for about 2 mins, and fell to the ground (nice and public, Sheffield Road). We couldn't explain what had triggered this one but I didn't fit this time so not as bad as before. It's frightening when you feel like you can't control what is happening to you, it certainly makes me regret not treating my body better over the years. I am booked in for an MRA and ECG in August, it will be a relief to know what is actually going on x

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