Monday 23 July 2012



I don't want to fight with you, this is boring. A mistake was made, I'm sorry, but there is no point to all this anymore. Yes you hate me, I don't care. Be happy in your life and enjoy it and I will do the same with mine, surely that makes the most sense. Why don't we act like adults instead of making nasty digs at each other. We both got hurt by a situation that was primarily my fault but please lets just move on from it, I know it's hard and I'm not saying lets be best friends and platt each others hair but the resentment and bitterness on both our sides is futile. I am sorry to you for what happened, I will always be sorry to you for it. I have given Zoe a home and I take good care of her, surely that makes me less of The Devil in your eyes. It's not easy to forget or forgive, I don't expect you to do either but I am apologising. I am still part of Sandra and Paula's lives and it is harder for them when we behave like this towards each other, it puts a strain on everything. Paula is my best friend so I'm not going anywhere, lets at least be civil to each other, please x

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