Tuesday 21 August 2012

Less than two weeks to go... On my first day of freedom I am going to stay in bed all day reading. At the moment I'm reading Killing Yourself to Live by Chuck Klosterman. Its basically a journey of landmarks, specifically landmarks of where famous musicians died... I've only just started the books and he has covered Nancy Spungen and the Chelsea Hotel so far. I like his style of writing but I haven't read anything I didn't already know yet so it isn't as enlightening as a couple of books I've read on the subject. I will let you know whether its worth reading when I get half way though.

I have a crazily hectic week this week and appear to be working everyday... I have riverted back to my bar maid roots and have a couple of shifts a week at The Tramway Tavern to keep some constant money coming in from my side but I'm hoping the business will keep me afloat financially. The wedding of the year is looming and the preparations for that keep me occupied but my mind does constantly wander to dreams and ambitions, I am not as grounded as I had become but looking forward to the future in a way I hadn't anticipated a month or so ago. Unfortunately Minnie and the kittens appear to think my office/workspace is their bedroom so when I even venture in I am sidetracked by their cuteness, damn them! But in two weeks time they will need to disband and find another space to occupy in the house because I will not be distracted x

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