Saturday 4 August 2012

Taking the bull by it's horns, so to speak!

I have started my proposal for the MA in Antiques, it is quite nerve wracking because I am eally putting my money where my mouth is career wise but if I'm going to do it then I have to put the leg work in. The application pack for a career and professional development loan is in the post and I have all the course id numbers ready to get it all filled in but I am crap at motivating myself to fill forms in so I am going to get everyone to encourage me to get it filled in. I can identify vintage clothing blindfolded at 50 paces but when it comes to antiques I need more education, at the moment my knowledge is enough to help me grab some bargains but if I want to sell professionally of pofitably then I need that knowledge first hand. The MA in Antiques studies lots of periods but the one I am most excited about is the Art Deco module because so much of the lifestyle of that era is represented in the antiquties and buildings. I am excited about the future now more than ever, I am making sacrifices I've never had the strength to make before. I don't know where my determination has come from but I think a great deal of it is from letting go of the negative influences I have been weighed down with for so long. Here's hoping I can keep the momentum going x

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